Original cargador de iPhone


Hemos encontrado este original cargador llamado Bobine en Fastcodesign. Se puede doblar en cualquier forma para captar diferentes ángulos y lo puedes ajustar fácilmente a un trípode para hacer fotografías! Su atractivo diseño, creado por [Fuse] Chicken, ha causado furor y se han vendido 10.000 unidades en menos de un mes y medio. El cargador también se encuentra disponible para Android. Cool, eh?

The Bobine is an original charger that we’ve found on Fastcodesign. You can bend it into any shape to get different angles and easily adjust it into a tripod to take pictures! It offers an attractive design created by [Fuse] Chicken that has been very popular- 10,000 units have been sold in less than a month and a half. The charger is also available for Android. Cool, eh?

charging-device-and-dock- charging-device-and-dock-unusual funny-charging-device-and-dock suspended-phone-charging-and-dock-device the-bobine-flexibile-device


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