Estructura de árbol en casa


Garden Tree House es un proyecto de Hironaka Ogawa & Associates en Kagawa, Japón. Dentro del salón hay dos árboles manteniendo la estructura de la casa, un Azelkova y  un Camphor con un gran valor sentimental para sus dueños. Esta idea nos ha parecido súper original, ¿y a vosotros?

The Garden Tree House is a project by Hironaka Ogawa & Associates in Kagawa, Japan. There are two trees inside the hall which maintain the structure of the house, one is a Azelkova an the other is a Camphor with great sentimental value to their owners. This is such an original idea, isn’t it?


house-plan7 integration details-structure house-integrating-trees by-night- trees-integrated- trees-in-the-living-room


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